Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bulls Bring in Bunny with Ears, Tree, and a Hole

During his press conference yesterday, Paxson discussed the 11 player trade and the Bulls NEW plans to bring in a shoe tying consultant for Aaron Gray. Paxson said "Well Aaron's had a re-occuring problem with losing his shoes during games and tying his laces all season... At this point in time, we felt it was worth the $200,000 investment to bring in the worlds best shoe tying consultant, and nip Aarons problem in the ass before it happens for a 3RD time this year. We just think it's important for Aaron to avoid any further embarrassment." The shoe consultant is said to be equiped with a Bunny with two ears, a tree, and a hole. When asked about the problem Gray was quoted as saying he couldn't see his shoes to tie the laces because his cock is too big and he can't see around it...

I mean seriously Aaron it's easy....Make two bunny ears. The bunny runs around the tree. The bunny jumps in a hole. Close it up tight! Fuckin A, and people wonder why no white guys are in the league

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