Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tyrus Thomas Is A Bust

(Photo by Gary Dineen/NBAE/Getty Images)

It is hard for me to say Tyrus Thomas is a bust, because I was a huge Tyrus fan when he came to the Bulls. I bought both his white and red jersey. After watching him play this season I've come to the conclusion that he is not good. The only thing Tyrus has going for him is his athleticism. Other than that the only skill he has is jumping and dunking. He has a low basketball IQ, and his ignorance will always be a roadblock for him being a great player. People say that his off-season workouts are at a high school level instead of a NBA level. If that's the case, he will NEVER be a superstar or even close to a superstar in this league. He will have your occasional TOP 10 plays, but that's it.

Here is a video of Tyrus that had me raving about him. He reminded me of a more athletic Shawn Marion, but comparisons are like a**holes, everyone's got one.

I could be wrong, and Tyrus could come out next year and be a monster, if it's for the Bulls or another team. In the mean time he needs to get back to his old self, and start trying to play.

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Anonymous said...

Sounds like Tyson Chandler Jr.