Sunday, March 9, 2008

Chicago Bulls Rebuilding Plan

This season has been a disaster in many ways. Not only did Ben Wallace get traded, the Bulls are currently the 9th seed in the conference, and were expected by many people to be the favorite in the East. In many ways I think that John Paxson is going to have a semi rebuilding plan.

This is my rebuilding plan. John Paxson needs to cut down the amount of guards we have. Simple as that. Than the final step is to REBUILD the entire coaching staff.

Head Coach: Jim Boylan- Jim Boylan is a good assistant. He should stay that way and never try to be a head coach again. Some people can do it, and he's not one of them. The players seem like they don't respect him at all because of his resume. Boylan needs to either go back to being an assistant coach, or go back to bottling root beer.

Ron Adams: Must be an a**hole to. If Noah got into with him, he got into with him for a reason. He must be a jerk off. He's another prodigy from the Scott Skiles coaching staff.

Pete Myers: Pete is the only one I would keep because he is a players coach. The players seem to get along with him.


Head Coach: Larry Brown. Respected and Accomplished Coach. I know that Jerry Reinsdorf won't shell out the money, but if you want your players to respect the coach you have to get a respectable coach. Larry Brown gives us a chance to reach our goals of winning the East because of his Resume.

Assistant Coach: Scottie Pippen. He has stated some controversial remarks about the Bulls, but he is keeping it real. He would bring some type of leadership and experience to the table.

2nd Assistant: Hakeem Olajuwon. This might sound like the craziest thing ever, but I firmly beleive if he's available and interested, sign him to teach the BIGS how to play BIG. Even this sounds like a stretch to sign him because the Head Coach selects his staff, but I can dream.

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