As reported earlier, we are going to redesign the entire Bulls Weekly site. Starting October 17-21, Bulls Weekly will be temporarily shut down for these changes to take place. We will still be active,however, on our you tube channel.
You will be able to customize your profile. Upload an avatar image, choose your favorite teams, and add a bio to introduce yourself. It will be a place to share your activity and style with everyone. Members will even have the ability to write their very own blog posts, so if you want to vent about Larry Hughes terrible shot selection, go right ahead. Membership is FREE!.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Bulls Weekly Under Construction
Posted by Rob Malinowski at 9:15 AM 1 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
New Bulls Weekly Design
Bulls Weekly has announced that they are releasing a new web site Design in early November. The picture above is a screen shot of the homepage. Fans will have the ability to write articles, interact with each other, post videos, and pictures. It's going to be 100% interactive. Also due to popular demand, Bulls Weekly has increased production on new videos, and will start editing more videos, and posting 1-2 a week.
Posted by Rob Malinowski at 6:27 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
Chicago Bulls 1st Game Breakdown
Copyright 2008 NBAE (Photo by Gary Dineen/NBAE via Getty Images)
The Bulls came out with a starting line up of: Derrick Rose, Kirk Hinrich, Luol Deng, Tyrus Thomas, and Drew Gooden.
First off, before I get into any details, I would like to speak on Larry Hughes. Here are some of his comments:
"I came in ready to go, and I've been on the second team from Day One," Hughes said. "Maybe that's how [coach Vinny Del Negro] sees it. I'm not sure. I haven't talked to him about it because it's camp. And camp is usually pretty fluid. I don't know what the reasoning is behind it. We'll have to see if this is how it's going to be, I guess. You never know."
I think the reason why he got teardrops tatted on his face is because it's stands for how big of a crybaby he is. Larry Hughes needs to be shipped out of Chicago. He made me sick last night. Taking bad shots, dribbling out the clock, the usual Larry Hughes stuff.
Back to more Bulls.
Derrick Rose played like any rookie point guard would in his first game. He had a lot of turnovers, but most of those were not his fault. If Tyrus would of caught that alley-oop I would of crapped my pants. That would of probably brought the crowd alive. Other than that I saw some flashes of brilliance from Rose, and so far so good.
Grade: C
Kirk Hinrich looked like a journeyman out there. He really didn't do a good job of asserting himself at the 2. He passed up shots, etc. It might take a while for Hinrich to get back into the flow of being a 2 guard.
Grade: C-
Luol Deng came on late in the 2nd half of the game. In the beginning he looked like an average joe. He looked like he didn't care. He has 71 million reasons to care. If I were Lu, I would command the ball more. He didn't do that.
Grade: C
Quick Note: Brandan Bass killed the entire Chicago Bulls on that dunk.
Tyrus Thomas has worked on his game in the offseason a lot. If he can get that jumper to hit consistently, watch out.
Grade: B-
Drew Gooden held his own against a bigger Dampier. It's going to be more of the same from Drew 12ppg 10rpb.
Grade: B
Andres Nocioni needs to do 2 things; 1)Cut his hair, 2) Play like he does for Argentina.
Larry Hughes (see above)
Aaron Gray aka "sheep herder" needs to play more. He's got some low post game. Hate if you want. Also looks like someone put a bowl on his head, and cut around it.
Thabo Sefolosha looked more like a Chevy Thabo rather than a ball player last night.
Joakim Noah showing off his fright fest look.
Vinny Del Negro looked lost sometimes, but no matter how nervous he was his hair was never nervous.(AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh)
Posted by Rob Malinowski at 9:54 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Top 3 Draft Picks The Past 23 Years
This is from The Court Reports, I thought that some of these are interesting.
The whole article is here.
Posted by Rob Malinowski at 6:03 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Derrick Rose the Man Child
Derrick Rose is going to be an NBA Superstar, it is just a matter of time. The year after the Bulls drafted J-Will the NBA removed the "hand checking" rule. J-Will never had a chance to play in the NBA with this rule change. This Bulls Weekly reporter is a big believer that it would have amped up his game big time because of J-Will's athleticism and strength.
Jack Ramsey GM Steve Kerrs take on the no hand check rule...
"If you are athletic and can put the ball on the floor, the rules benefit you," Ramsay says. "It's that simple, and no one takes more advantage of that than Kobe."
Kerr says the elimination of the hand check has been a boon to scoring, especially to players such as Bryant. Since defenders aren't allowed to impede his progress with the hand check, opponents have often found themselves at his mercy this season.
Derrick rose is the perfect storm of athleticism and strength for this rule. We've seen the damage that quick players CP3, Nash, T-Parker have had going to the cup over the past 4 years.
With Derrick Rose you have that type of quickness... but much better hops, strength, and explosiveness. There is no one and will be no one in the NBA that can stop Derrick Rose once he gets his bearings. Rose will be a match-up nightmare... way to big and strong for the quick NBA point guards and too quick and explosive for NBA shooting guards and small forwards. Success in the NBA is all about taking advantage of mismatches and the Bulls can do this on every play. Rose will be able to drive and dish or drive and finish all day in the NBA. With outside shooters that can knock down jumpers (Gordon, Deng, Noc, Kirk) and big guys that can catch lobs (Tyrus, Noah). There will be no "good" way to defend this freakishly athletic point guard.
Rose gigging on Ben Wallace
Posted by Rip at 10:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: Rose sick quicks